chassis: explainer
This is the content of the S2U chassis file for Lexus LFA. It provides some insight into what particular entries do in terms of car setup. Some data is incomplete and some is obsolete, but that's the best we've got.
Lexus LFA high-detail Car parameter file
Rules=0 // what rules to apply to garage setups (0=none, 1=stock car)
GarageDisplayFlags=7 // how settings are displayed in garage (add): 1=rear wing, 2=radiator, 4=more gear info
FeelerFlags=0 // how collision feelers are generated (add): 1=box influence 2=reduce wall-jumping 4=allow adjustment hack 8=top directions
Mass=1520.0 // all mass except fuel (1395kg car + 80kg driver weight)
Inertia=(2000.0,2180.0,400.0) // all inertia except fuel
FuelTankPos=(0.0, 0.200, 0.250) // location of tank affects center of gravity (very close and even slightly ahead of CG in F1)
FuelTankMotion=(560.0,0.7) // simple model of fuel movement in tank (spring rate per kg, critical damping ratio) Notes="" Symmetric=1
CGHeight=0.280 // height of body mass (excluding fuel) above reference plane
CGRightRange=(0.50, 0.000, 0) // fraction of weight on left tires
CGRearRange=(0.50, 0.005, 0)
GraphicalOffset=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // does not affect physics!
CollisionOffset=(0.0, 0.02, 0.0) // Moves collision mesh independently of G'offset
Undertray00=(0.90, 0.02, -1.895) // offset from center of car, and between axles// LF (Left front corner of splitter) (forward is negative, right is negative)
Undertray01=(-0.90, 0.02, -1.895) // offset from center of car, and between axles// RF (Right front corner of splitter)
Undertray02=(0.90, 0.02, 0.800) // offset from center of car, and between axles // LR (Left rear corner of rocker)
Undertray03=(-0.90, 0.02, 0.800) // offset from center of car, and between axles // RR (Right rear corner of rocker)
UndertrayParams=(262500.0,11600.0, 0.0) // undertray spring rate, damper rate, and coefficient of friction(770000.0,35000.0, 4.0)
FrontTireCompoundSetting=0 // Front compound index within brand
RearTireCompoundSetting=0 // Rear compound index within brand
FuelRange=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
NumPitstopsRange=(0, 1, 4)
Pitstop1Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
Pitstop2Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
Pitstop3Range=(1.0, 1.0, 100)
AIMinPassesPerTick=2 // minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
AIRotationThreshold=0.12 // rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
AISpringRate=1.0 // spring rate adjustment for AI physics (improves stability)
AIDamperSlow=0.5 // contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
AIDamperFast=0.5 // contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
AIDownforceZArm=0.150 // hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
AIDownforceBias=0.0 // bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
AITorqueStab=(1.25, 1.25, 1.25) // torque adjustment to keep AI stable
FWRange=(0.0, 1.0, 0) // front wing range
FWSetting=0 // front wing setting
FWMaxHeight=(0.10) // maximum height to take account of for downforce
FWDragParams=(0.04, 0.003, 0.00) // base drag and 1st and 2nd order with setting
FWLiftParams=(-0.270, -0.028, 0.00) // base lift and 1st and 2nd order with setting
FWLiftHeight=(0.335) // effect of current height on lift coefficient
FWLiftSideways=(0.0) // dropoff in downforce with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
FWLeft=(-0.30, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
FWRight=(0.30, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
FWUp=(0.0, -0.5, -0.001) // aero forces from moving up
FWDown=(0.0, 0.25, 0.001) // aero forces from moving down
FWAft=(0.0, 0.02, -0.02) // aero forces from moving rearwards
FWFore=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving forwards (recomputed from settings)
FWRot=(0.05, 0.025, 0.075) // aero torque from rotating
FWCenter=(0.00, 0.00, -0.60) // center of front wing forces (offset from center of front axle in ref plane)
RWRange=(0.0, 1.0, 0) // rear wing range
RWSetting=0 // rear wing setting
RWDragParams=(0.04, 0.003, 0.00) // base drag and 1st and 2nd order with setting
RWLiftParams=(-0.350, -0.028, 0.00) // base lift and 1st and 2nd order with setting
RWLiftSideways=(0.0) // dropoff in downforce with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
RWPeakYaw=(0.0, 0.00) // angle of peak, multiplier at peak
RWLeft=(-0.7, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
RWRight=(0.7, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
RWUp=(0.0, -0.50, -0.002) // aero forces from moving up
RWDown=(0.0, 0.25, 0.002) // aero forces from moving down
RWAft=(0.0, 0.03, -0.4) // aero forces from moving rearwards
RWFore=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving forwards (recomputed from settings)
RWRot=(0.08, 0.05, 0.11) // aero torque from rotating
RWCenter=(0.00, 0.60, 0.80) // center of rear wing forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
BodyDragBase=(0.260) // base drag
BodyDragHeightAvg=(0.22) // drag increase with average ride height
BodyDragHeightDiff=(0.47) // drag increase with front/rear ride height difference
BodyMaxHeight=(0.20) // maximum ride height that affects drag/lift
BodyLeft=(-0.6, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
BodyRight=(0.6, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
BodyUp=(0.0, -1.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving up
BodyDown=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving down
BodyAft=(0.0, 0.20, -0.8) // aero forces from moving rearwards
BodyFore=(0.0, -0.0412, 0.435) // aero forces from moving forwards (lift value important!)
BodyRot=(4.73, 4.3, 1.87) // aero torque from rotating
BodyCenter=(0.0, 0.50, -1.55) // center of body aero forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
RadiatorRange=(0.0, 1.0, 4) // radiator range
RadiatorSetting=3 // radiator setting
RadiatorDrag=(0.005) // effect of radiator setting on drag
RadiatorLift=(0.003) // effect of radiator setting on lift
BrakeDuctRange=(0.0, 1.0, 5) // brake duct range
BrakeDuctSetting=1 // brake duct setting
BrakeDuctDrag=(0.006) // effect of brake duct setting on drag
BrakeDuctLift=(0.00825) // effect of brake duct setting on lift
DiffuserBase=(-0.000, -0.50, 5.0) // base lift and 1st/2nd order with rear ride height
DiffuserFrontHeight=(0.000) // 1st order with front ride height
DiffuserRake=(0.005, -0.0, 0.0) // Optimum rake (rear - front ride height), 1st order with current difference from opt, 2nd order
DiffuserLimits=(0.010, 0.100, 0.055) // Min ride height before stalling begins (0.0 to disable), max rear ride height for computations, max rake difference for computations
DiffuserStall=(0.0, 1.0) // function to compute stall ride height (0.0=minimum, 1.0=average), downforce lost when bottoming out (0.0=none,1.0=complete stall)
DiffuserSideways=(0.0) // dropoff with yaw (0.0 = none, 1.0 = max)
DiffuserCenter=(0.0, 0.00, -1.30) // center of diffuser forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
ApplySlowToFastDampers=0 // whether to apply slow damper settings to fast damper settings
CorrectedInnerSuspHeight=-1 // instead of moving inner susp height relative with ride height, use this offset (set to -1 for original behavior)
AdjustSuspRates=1 // adjust suspension rates due to motion ratio ( 0=enable, 1=disable)
AlignWheels=1 // correct for minor graphical offsets
SpringBasedAntiSway=1 // 0=diameter-based, 1=spring-based
FrontAntiSwayRange=(10000.0, 10000.0, 8)
FrontAntiSwayRate=(1.36e11, 4.0) // not applicable with spring-based antisway
AllowNoAntiSway=1 // Whether first setting gets overridden to mean no antisway bar
RearAntiSwayRange=(5000.0, 5000.0, 8)
RearAntiSwayRate=(1.36e11, 4.0) // not applicable with spring-based antisway
FrontToeInRange=(2.0, -0.1, 41)
RearToeInRange=(2.0, -0.1, 41)
LeftCasterRange=(0.0, 0.1, 100) // front-left caster
RightCasterRange=(0.0, 0.1, 100) // front-right caster
UpshiftAlgorithm=(0.97,0.0) // percentage of the rev limit to upshift at. If the 2nd value is non-zero, then we will use it as the exact RPM to upshift at.
DownshiftAlgorithm=(0.85,0.80,0.80) // percentage of "optimum" downshift point in high gears, percentage of "optimum" downshift point in low gears, oval adjustment.
SteerLockRange=(0.0, 1.0, 42)
RearBrakeRange=(0.00, 0.01, 100)
BrakePressureRange=(0.80, 0.01, 20)
HandbrakePressRange=(0.00, 0.05, 21) //
AutoUpshiftGripThresh=0.0 // auto upshift waits until all driven wheels have this much grip (reasonable range: 0.4-0.9)
AutoDownshiftGripThresh=0.0 // auto downshift waits until all driven wheels have this much grip (reasonable range: 0.4-0.9)
TractionControlGrip=(1.00, 0.20) // average driven wheel grip multiplied by 1st number, then added to 2nd
TractionControlLevel=(0.30, 0.90) // effect of grip on throttle for low TC and high TC
ABS4Wheel=1 // 0 = old-style single brake pulse, 1 = more effective 4-wheel ABS
ABSGrip=(1.00, 0.20) // grip multiplied by 1st number and added to 2nd
ABSLevel=(0.20, 0.40) // effect of grip on brakes for low ABS and high ABS
SpeedLimiter=1 // Whether a pitlane speed limiter is available
ClutchEngageRate=0.8 //Auto clutch gradual engagement rate from neutral to 1st gear.
SemiAutomatic=0 // whether throttle and clutch are operated automatically
UpshiftDelay=0.10 // delay in selecting higher gear (low for semi-automatic, higher for manual)
UpshiftClutchTime=0.10 // time to ease auto-clutch in AFTER upshift (0.0 for F1 cars)
DownshiftDelay=0.40 // delay in selecting lower gear (low for semi-automatic, higher for manual)
DownshiftClutchTime=0.50 // time to ease auto-clutch in AFTER downshift (used to be SemiAutoClutchTime, note that the shift will complete significantly before the clutch is fully engaged)
DownshiftBlipThrottle=0.70 // amount of throttle used to blip if controlled by game (instead of player)
WheelDrive=REAR // which wheels are driven: REAR, FOUR (even torque split), or FRONT
FinalDriveSetting=28 // indexed into GearFile list
DiffPumpTorque=00.0 // at 100% pump diff setting, the torque redirected per wheelspeed difference in radians/sec (roughly 1.2kph)
DiffPumpRange=(0.00, 0.00, 0)
DiffPowerRange=(0.0,0.05,20) // fraction of power-side input torque transferred through diff
DiffPowerSetting=7 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
DiffCoastRange=(0.0,0.05,20) // fraction of coast-side input torque transferred through diff
DiffCoastSetting=7 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
DiffPreloadRange=(0.0, 10.0, 20) // preload torque that must be overcome to have wheelspeed difference
DiffPreloadSetting=8 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
BumpTravel=-0.000 // travel to bumpstop with zero packers and zero ride height
ReboundTravel=-0.160 // these two numbers assume front ride height is 30cm to 90cm with 10cm leeway
BumpStopSpring=60000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.25e9 // rising spring rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2500.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=2.19e7 // rising damper rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=9.50 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.622 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle
CGOffsetX=0.000 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(-0.150, -0.150, 0.000) // relative to spindle
PushrodBody=(-0.350, 0.320, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-5.0, 0.1, 100)
PressureRange=(0.0, 1.0, 286)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 30)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(65000.0, 5416.0, 6)
RideHeightRange=(0.110, -0.0045, 10)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 11)
FastBumpRange=(2000.0, 200.0, 11)
SlowReboundRange=(8000.0, 300.0, 16)
FastReboundRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 16)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.035, 0.000, 0) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.001 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=450.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius
BrakeFadeRange=450.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.215e-011 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.20e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=4500.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00050 // heat added linearly with brake torque
BrakeCooling=(1.910e-002,0.667e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (static and per unit velocity)
BrakeDuctCooling=2.000e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting
BumpTravel=-0.000 // travel to bumpstop with zero packers and zero ride height
ReboundTravel=-0.160 // these two numbers assume front ride height is 30cm to 90cm with 10cm leeway
BumpStopSpring=60000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.25e9 // rising spring rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2500.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=2.19e7 // rising damper rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=9.50 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.622 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle
CGOffsetX=0.000 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(0.150, -0.150, 0.000) // relative to spindle
PushrodBody=(0.350, 0.320, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-5.0, 0.1, 100)
PressureRange=(0.0, 1.0, 286)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 30)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(65000.0, 5416.0, 6)
RideHeightRange=(0.110, -0.0045, 10)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 11)
FastBumpRange=(2000.0, 200.0, 11)
SlowReboundRange=(8000.0, 300.0, 16)
FastReboundRange=(4000.0, 300.0, 16)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.035, 0.000, 0) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.001 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=450.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius
BrakeFadeRange=450.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.215e-011 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.20e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=4500.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00050 // heat added linearly with brake torque
BrakeCooling=(1.910e-002,0.667e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (static and per unit velocity)
BrakeDuctCooling=2.000e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting
BumpTravel=-0.000 // travel to bumpstop with zero packers and zero ride height
ReboundTravel=-0.180 // these two numbers assume rear ride height is 40cm to 100cm with 10cm leeway
BumpStopSpring=60000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.25e9 // rising spring rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2500.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=2.19e7 // rising damper rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=12.50 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.850 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle
CGOffsetX=-0.030 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(-0.200, -0.150, 0.000) // relative to spindle
PushrodBody=(-0.400, 0.320, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-5.0, 0.1, 100)
PressureRange=(0.0, 1.0, 286)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 30)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(60000.0, 5000.0, 6)
RideHeightRange=(0.120, -0.005, 10)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(3500.0, 300.0, 11)
FastBumpRange=(1700.0, 200.0, 11)
SlowReboundRange=(7000.0, 300.0, 16)
FastReboundRange=(3500.0, 300.0, 16)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.032, 0.000, 0) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.001 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=450.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=450.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.215e-011 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.20e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=3100.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00050 // heat added linearly with brake torque
BrakeCooling=(1.417e-002,0.495e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (static and per unit velocity)
BrakeDuctCooling=1.600e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting
BumpTravel=-0.000 // travel to bumpstop with zero packers and zero ride height
ReboundTravel=-0.180 // these two numbers assume rear ride height is 40cm to 100cm with 10cm leeway
BumpStopSpring=60000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.25e9 // rising spring rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2500.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=2.19e7 // rising damper rate of bumpstop (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=12.50 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.850 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle
CGOffsetX=-0.030 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(0.200, -0.150, 0.000) // relative to spindle
PushrodBody=(0.400, 0.320, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-5.0, 0.1, 100)
PressureRange=(0.0, 1.0, 286)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 30)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(60000.0, 5000.0, 6)
RideHeightRange=(0.120, -0.005, 10)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(3500.0, 300.0, 11)
FastBumpRange=(1700.0, 200.0, 11)
SlowReboundRange=(7000.0, 300.0, 16)
FastReboundRange=(3500.0, 300.0, 16)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.032, 0.000, 0) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.001 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=450.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=450.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.215e-011 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.20e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=3100.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00050 // heat added linearly with brake torque
BrakeCooling=(1.417e-002,0.495e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (static and per unit velocity)
BrakeDuctCooling=1.600e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting